Milnsbridge is a village in Huddersfield found in the Colne Valley.
It’s part of the Golcar Ward and has around 8,000 residents. It’s worth noting that Milnsbridge also includes those people living in Cowlersley. So they make up part of the 8,000 residents.
There are about 150 businesses that operate within Milnsbridge. Many are hidden away on industrial estates off the main street.
The Milnsbridge Village Hall is at the heart of a push to spark the community in Milnsbridge. It’s has undergone an asset transfer from Kirklees Council.
“The Colne Valley Folk are typically Yorkshire. I know no part of the West Riding where the sterling qualities of a moorland race have been better preserved…The population maintain a spirit of sturdy independence of thought and action characteristic of all peoples who breathe the air which has swept over wide regions of moor and heather.”
The Rt. Hon. The Viscount Snowden, writing the foreword of Colne Valley Folk by Ernest Lockwood, 1936